Pianist Ingrid Barancoski, one of the main interpreters of works by Brazilian composer Almeida Prado, organizes several events to be held in 2018 to celebrate 75 years that he would be celebrating if still alive. Among these events is CICLO ALMEIDA PRADO 75 ANOS, with conferences, concerts, exibition of movie. Among the invited speakers are Sara Cohen, Salomea Gandelman, Manoel Correa do Lago. Events at Instituto Villa-Lobos – UNIRIO.
Promotion to Professor of Music at UNIRIO
In December 2016 Ingrid Barancoski was approved for promotion to Professor at UNIRIO.
Concerts of Brazilian music in Europe
Pianist Ingrid Barancoski is preparing 3 concerts with repertoire of Brazilian composers: on June 17th at Brazilian Embassy in Rome, with works by Villa-Lobos, Ricardo Tacuchian, Camargo Guarnieri and Almeida Prado, Música no Museu Internacional; on June 20th at Brazilian Embassy in Wien with works by Villa-Lobos and Almeida Prado, Música no Museu Internacional; and on June 22nd in Heidelberg (Germany), at the University of Heidelberg, with works by Villa-Lobos, Ricardo Tacuchian, Camargo Guarnieri and Almeida Prado, with Eliana de Simone reading poetry by the Brazilian authors Clarice Lispector, Luiz Ruffato, Adriana Lisboa and Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
Post-doctoral in England
From November 2015 through August 2016, pianist Ingrid Barancoski will be in England for her post-doctoral research at the University of Southampton. Her research topic is the influence of Nadia Boulanger in the music of Almeida Prado, based in the correspondence exchanged between the Brazilian composer and the French teacher. The letters of Almeida Prado addressed to Nadia Boulanger are kept at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, consisting of 222 documents dated between 1970 and 1979. She will work on her project with Professor Jeanice Brooks, the foremost British authority on the life and work of the French artist. Her activities will include a guest lecture, two lecture-recitals and a master class on interpretation of Prado’s piano works. She will work on her project with Professor Jeanice Brooks, author of the most recent monograph dedicated to Nadia Boulanger and the foremost British authority on the life and work of the French artist.